Tuesday, April 3, 2012

April 2nd, 2012

Today we did lots of stuff in Seattle. It's a hour drive, so we had to make a day out of going to the city. First we went to the Seattle Aquarium, and there was a presentation. At the presentation, I learned that some fish can live to be 140 years old! Then we had lunch. Next we went to Pike's Place Market, where the fishermen threw the fish. Then we went to the Space Needle, but we didn't go to the top. Then we went and saw some sculptures, and finally we went home. Here's some pictures. Sorry that they're out of order.

 This is a picture of a scuba-diver holding a wolf-eel.
 I got to touch lots of star-fish and sea-urchens. They felt wierd!
 These are Moon Jelly-fish.
 This is an octopus.
 I went riding on a whale!
 Me in front of the sign at the entrance of Pike's Place.
 Tons of nutella!!! Yummmm
 I took this picture. i'm not sure of what kind of fish it is, though.
 This is the fish market, where the guys that work there throw lots of fish around. They usually catch it, but not always. When we were there, one guy missed some crab. Oopsies!
 This was at the veggie/fruit shop.
 Space Needle!!!!
 We also went to a furniture shop. This is a face-less clock.
 I stood on the sculpture!!!
Well, that was difficult.

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