Sunday, April 1, 2012

NorthwesTrek Wildlife Park

Today we went to The NorthwesTrek Wildlife Park. We saw tons of animals, and we went on a tram scenic ride and saw lots of animals there, to. John and Jess took lots of good pictures with their camera. Here are some of the animals we saw. The amount of animals you see here is probably about 1/6 of what we saw today. Can't wait to see you guys!
 This beaver was doing a show, and he was sratching at his leash.
 This was  injured Eagle. He couldn't fly, so they just left the cage open.
 This is a American Bald Eagle. He was injured as well.
 We saw this female moose right when we got onto the tram.
 This little sheep was molting, so he looks pretty rugged.
 This bison seemed very tired!
 These two little trouble-makers were walking right in the middle of the road.
 Did you know mountain goats can weigh up to 300 lbs.?
 There were tons of elk on the tram ride.
 This is a grizzly bear... shhh!
 This coyote was going crazy! He kept running around in circles!
 This bob-cat didn't seem to like humans to much...
 You're getting very sleepy....
This is a cougar, also known as a mountain lion.
This tree is 640 years old. I did the math!
This is a silly otter.

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