Sunday, April 8, 2012

Last Day/ Home

We went to Mt. Saint Helens on our last day (that's the one that erupted in 1980!) and it was really awesome. It didn't just blow out of the top, like a normal volcano, but it blew out of the side, too! We drove around on it. It wasn't as big as a park as mt. Rainer, but it was still cool. We drove through a cloud!! That was really cool. I stuck my hand out the window. I've always wondered what a cloud felt like... but I won't give it away for those of you who wonder, too. Then we went to none-other than... BIGFOOT COUNTRY!!!!! There was a huge sculpture of Bigfoot made of fiber-glass and some other materiel but I don't remember what it was. On the flight home, it was like 6:00 AM, so we got to see the sunrise. We saw the top of Mt. St. Helens, Mt. Rainer, and Mt. Baker. It was really cool. So, now I'm home, and I'm returning to school tomorrow. We had a greatly awesomely incredible time. This is the end of my blog until we travel again. So, Goodbye!!! ;)

 Did I tell you how much my brother likes getting dirty?? Hahaha
This is where the picture of the bridge is.
This is where some lava spilt down.

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